博士/副教授 硕士生导师
通讯地址:大连市凌海路1 号,科学会馆315 室
电子邮箱:xjli@dlmu.edu.cn |
![1C8C 1C8C](/virtual_attach_file.vsb?afc=2n7UdbLm7Pnl7bU-NUZLllYLlLDoRLWioRlaLRW2MNQVLRN0gihFp2hmCIa0U1ysnShkMYhkUzU4L4L4U4AkM4CbLmfVoz7aL8LDL7laLRTFL4ARLmCsoRQFLlLZUYb/v2veo4OeqtTA62hJQDa0qIbtpYyPLRvag4LDL47JqdHnx) |
2013.9 — 2018.12 西北工业大学 航空宇航科学与技术专业,博士
2015.9 — 2016.9 英国贝尔法斯特联合大学 机械与航空工程学院,联合培养
2011.9 — 2014.4 西北工业大学 航空宇航推进理论与工程专业,硕士
2007.9 — 2011.7 西北工业大学 飞行器动力工程专业,学士
2022.07 — 至今 大连海事大学 能源与动力工程系,副教授
2018.12 — 2022.07 大连海事大学 能源与动力工程系,讲师
1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,No. 51906027,基于近壁面二次流修正方法的高负荷轴流压气机吸力面-端面造型反设计研究,23万,在研,主持,2020-2022;
3.青年教师科技创新项目,No. 3132022124, 基于二次流控制的端壁、吸力面优化造型在压气机中的应用研究,2万,在研,主持,2022;
4.青年教师科技创新项目,No. 3132020112, 高负荷轴流压气机角区失速机理与控制策略的非定常分析,3.6万,结题,主持,2020-2021;
5.青年教师科技创新项目,No. 3132019116, 高负荷轴流压气机叶身-端面联合造型技术,3万,结题,主持,2019-2020;
6.西北工业大学, 叶片加工偏差对压气机叶栅临界攻角影响研究,主持,2022;
8.无锡康明斯涡轮增压技术有限公司,HD China market-Turbine stage requirement,叶型设计,2019.
1. Xiangjun Li, Jiezhong Dong, Hua Chen, and Huawei Lu. The Control of Corner Separation with Parametric Suction Side Corner Profiling on a High-Load Compressor Cascade, Aerospace 9, no. 3: 172. 2022 (SCI, JCR Q1)
2. Xiangjun Li, Fuhao You, Qing Lu, Haoguang Zhang, and Wuli Chu. 2022. The Investigation of a New End Wall Contouring Method for Axial Compressors. Applied Sciences 12, no. 10: 4828. 2022 (SCI, JCR Q2)
3. You, Fuhao, Xiangjun Li, Qing Lu, Haoguang Zhang, and Wuli Chu. 2022. "Numerical Investigation into a New Method of Non-Axisymmetric End Wall Contouring for Axial Compressors" Energies 15, no. 9: 3305. 2022 (SCI, JCR Q3)
4. Yuan Li, Hua Chen, Xiangjun Li, et.al, Influence of U-tube type casing treatment on pressure fluctuations of a centrifugal pump at low flow conditions, Modern Physics Letters B, 2021 (SCI, JCR Q2).
5. Yuan Li, Hua Chen, Xiangjun Li, et.al, Influence of U-tube type casing treatment on pressure fluctuations of a centrifugal pump at low flow conditions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021 (EI).
6. 尤付浩,李相君,鲁庆,崔义强,朱政宇.基于二次流控制规律的非轴对称端壁造型优化设计[J/OL].航空动力学报:1-23[2022-09-13]. 2022 (EI)
7. 李相君,董杰忠,崔义强,等,扩压叶栅角区-吸力面造型设计及流动控制机理,航空动力学报,2020 (EI).
8. Zhengjing Shen, Wuli Chu, Xiangjun Li, Wei Dong, Sediment erosion in the impeller of a double-suction centrifugal pump - A case study of the Jingtai Yellow River Irrigation Project, Wear, 422(3) 269-279, (SCI, JCR Q1).
9. Xiangjun Li, Wuli Chu, The Influence of Non-Axisymmetric End Wall in a High-Load Compressor Stage with Tandem Stator, Preceedings of ASME TurboExpo, 2019 (EI).
10. Xiangjun Li, Stephen Spence and Yanhui Wu, The interaction between inlet guide vanes and the impeller recirculating flow in a centrifugal compressor and the resulting impact on flow range, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2018, GT2018- 75097, 2018 (EI).
11. Xiangjun Li, Stephen Spence, The impact of the multiple reference frame interface on modelling the interaction between IGVs and the impeller in turbocharger compressors, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017, GT2017- 63499, 2017 (EI)
12. Xiangjun Li, Stephen Spence, Wuli Chu, Hua Chen, Lee Gibson, Flow Control by Slot Position and Noise Baffle in a Self-Recirculation Casing Treatment on an Axial FanRotor. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2017, No.9509212, 2017 (EI).
13. Wuli Chu, Xiangjun Li, Yanhui Wu, Haoguan Zhang, Reduction of end wall loss in axial compressor by using non-axisymmetric profiled end wall: A new design approach based on end wall velocity modification. Aerospace Since and Technology, 55, 2016 (SCI, JCR Q2).
14. Xiangjun Li, Wuli Chu, Yanhui Wu, Haoguang Zhang, Stephen Spence, Effective end wall profiling rules for a highly loaded compressor cascade. Proc IMechE, Part A: J Power and Energy. 230(6), 2016 (SCI, JCR Q4).
15. Xiangjun Li, Wuli Chu and Yanhui Wu, Numerical investigation of inlet boundary layer skew in axial-flow compressor cascade and the corresponding non-axisymmetric end wall profiling, Proc IMechE, Part A: J Power and Energy, Vol.288(6), 2014 (SCI, JCR Q4).
16. 李相君, 楚武利, 张皓光, 高负荷轴流压气机叶栅二次流动与损失关联性探讨, 推进技术, 35(7), 2014 (EI).
17. 李相君, 楚武利, 张皓光, 高负荷跨声速轴流压气机周向浅槽处理机匣扩稳机理, 推进技术, 34(5), 2013 (EI).
1. 李相君,崔义强. 一种跨音速轴流压气机联合机匣处理结构. 中国发明专利,CN114517794A. 2022
2. 李相君,崔义强,董杰忠,鲁庆,尤付浩等, 一种对具有串列静子叶型的轴流压气机进行端壁造型的方法,中国发明专利,CN 112861321A. 2021
3. 李相君,崔义强,董杰忠,鲁庆,尤付浩等,一种压气机用可调高的端壁翼刀,中国发明专利,CN 113323925A. 2021
1. 辽宁省普通高等学校教师教学大赛 三等奖,2021.8.
2. 大连市引进城市发展“紧缺人才”,2019.11.