宁大勇 博士 教授 博士生导师 通讯地址:大连海事大学船舶与海洋工程学院 电子邮箱:ningdayongning@vip.163.com |
2005.9 — 2010.7 中国科学院长春光学机密机械与物理研究所 机械制造及其自动化专业,博士
2000.9 — 2004.7 吉林大学 机械工程及自动化,本科
2010.7 — 2016.07 大连海事大学,船舶与海洋工程学院,讲师
2016.7 — 2021.07 大连海事大学,船舶与海洋工程学院,副教授
2021.7 — 今 大连海事大学,船舶与海洋工程学院,教授
[1] 2014.01-2017.12 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题,深海声信标搜寻与定位技术与设备,负责人,45万元
[2] 2014.01-2017.12 大连市科技计划项目,大深度海水液压水下作业工具系统,负责人,100万元
[3] 2014.01-2017.12 辽宁省自然科学基金项目,船舶发动机异响信号故障成分提取技术研究,负责人,10万元
[4]2014.08-2017.12 交通运输部科技计划项目,大吨位沉船整体打捞探测、起浮技术及装备,课题负责人,60万元
[5] 2018.07-2021.06 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,水下救援机动辅助、定位跟踪与打捞技术研究,负责人,82万元
[6] 2018.12-2020.12 中央军委科技委创新基金项目,***,子课题负责人,80万元
[7] 2014.10-2017.12 国家科技支撑计划项目,深海打捞专用工具及作业技术,参与
[01] Ning Dayong, Wang Qibo, Tian Jinxin, Gong Yongjun, Du Hongwei, Chen Shengtao, Hou Jiaoyi. Experimental Study on the Coating Removing Characteristics of High-Pressure Water Jet by Micro Jet Flow [J]. MICROMACHINES. 2021.02
[02] Hou Jiaoyi, Shi Yuntai, Li Zihao, Wu Jiaqi, Gong Yongjun, Zou Weifeng, Zuo Han, Ning Dayong*. Numerical simulation and experimental study on flexible buoyancy material of hollow glass microsphere and silicone rubber for small deep-sea soft robots [J]. APPLIED MATERIALS TODAY. 2020.12
[03] Hou Jiaoyi, Zou Weifeng, Li Zihao, Gong Yongjun, Burnashev Vitalii, Ning Dayong*. Development and Experiments of an Electrothermal Driven Deep-Sea Buoyancy Control Module [J]. MICROMACHINES. 2020.11
[04] Hou, Jiaoyi, Sun, Hongyu, Xu, Aoyu, Gong Yongjun, Ning Dayong*. Fault diagnosis of synchronous hydraulic motor based on acoustic signals [J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2020.4
[05] Ning Dayong, Sun, Hongyu, Xu, Aoyu. Adaptive Noise Reduction Method of Synchronous Hydraulic Motor Acoustic Signal Based on Improved Dislocation Superposition Method [J]. IEEE ACCESS. 2020.8
[06] Dayong Ning, Che Jinkai, Zhang Zengmeng. Position/force control of master-slave antagonistic joint actuated by water hydraulic artificial muscles [J]. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2019.06
[07] Ning Dayong, Jiang Yuhua, Sun Hongyu. Separation Method of Impulsive Fault Component for Gasoline Engine Based on Acoustic Signal Analysis. Shock and Vibration. 2019.04
[08] Zhang Zengmeng, Hou Jiaoyi, Ning Dayong. Modeling and experiments on the drive characteristics of high-strength water hydraulic artificial muscles. Shock and Vibration. 2017.05
[09] Hou Jiaoyi, Zhang Zengmeng, Ning Dayong. Model-based position tracking control of a hose-connected hydraulic lifting system. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2017.03
[10] Hou Jiaoyi, Zhang Zengmeng, Zhou Hua, Ning Dayong. Hydraulic systems control based on the characteristics of major-motion mechanism for an open-die forging manipulator. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2017.02
[11] Zhang Zengmeng, Cheng Xing, Ning Dayong. Underwater acoustic beacon signal extraction based on dislocation superimposed method. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2017.02
[12] Hou Jiaoyi, Zhang Lishan, Gong Yongjun, Ning Dayong. Theoretical and experimental study of scour depth by submerged water jet. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2016.11
[13] Ning Dayong, Sun Changle, Gong Yongjun. Extraction of fault component from abnormal sound in diesel engines using acoustic signals. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2016.06
[14] Ning Dayong, Hou Jiaoyi, Gong Yongjun. Auto-identification of engine fault acoustic signal through inverse trigonometric instantaneous frequency analysis. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2016.03
[15] Ning Dayong, Gong Yongjun. Shocking fault component of abnormal sound signal in the fault engine extract method based on linear superposition method and cross-correlation analysis. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2015.08
[16] 田津昕, 宁大勇, 侯交义. 翻扣船探测补给装置研制及仿真[J]. 船舶工程. 2021.08
[17] 王启博, 宁大勇, 侯交义, 张增猛, 靳凯. 超高压水射流盘式清洗装置工作效率试验研究[J]. 液压与气动. 2019.03
[18] 刘伟, 宁大勇. 沉船打捞集成监测及虚拟仿真系统设计[J]. 船海工程. 2018.02
[19] 宁大勇, 弓永军. 基于异响信号的发动机故障成分提取[J]. 光学精密工程. 2015.10
[20] 曹淑华, 宁大勇. 声响信号分析的柴油机故障诊断方法[J]. 噪声与振动控制. 2013.02
[1] 宁大勇,刘伟,张增猛,侯交义,弓永军,程星,杨天笑,靳凯. 一种模拟沉船打捞过程的移动式实验台[P]. 辽宁:CN106768854A, 2017-05-31.
[2] 宁大勇,孙旭,张增猛,侯交义,弓永军,王祖温. 一种可以自锁与解锁的水下残骸提升装置[P]. 辽宁:CN106697225A,2017-05-24.
[3] 侯交义,刘晶玮,张增猛,宁大勇,弓永军,王祖温. 一种可以展开和收拢的水下残骸提升装置[P]. 辽宁:CN106428461A,2017-02-22.
[4] 弓永军,冯凯,田少华,郜喆,于盈,张增猛,侯交义,宁大勇,靳凯. 一种超高压水射流浮标除锈装置及其工作方法[P]. 辽宁:CN106040642A,2016-10-26.
[5] 宁大勇,张雷,侯交义,弓永军,张增猛,陈圣涛,陈英龙,田昊,杜洪伟. 基于水射流的水下开孔抽油装置[P]. 辽宁:ZL108115210A,2018-06-05.
[6] 宁大勇,孙坐福,侯交义,张增猛,弓永军.倒扣船开孔密封舱[P].辽宁:ZL108482612A, 2018-09-04.
[7] 侯交义,张一弛,宁大勇,张增猛,弓永军,陈圣涛,陈英龙,田昊.一种可远程遥控航行的新型救生圈[P].辽宁:CN108502126A,2018-09-07.
[8] 宁大勇,程星,侯交义,张增猛,弓永军,靳凯,刘伟,孟繁毅.一种基于错位叠加算法的声信标信号提取方法及系统[P].辽宁:ZL106595835B, 2019-03-12.
[9] 宁大勇,李人志,侯交义,杜洪伟,弓永军,张增猛,陈圣涛,田昊,陈英龙.立式双驳抬撬钢绞线液压同步提升沉船打捞系统[P].辽宁:ZL 201910432200.7, 2019-09-17.
(1) CAD、CAM技术,本科生
(2) 机械振动,研究生