| 田昊 博士 副教授 博导 办公电话:+86-411-84729611 通讯地址:大连海事大学船舶与海洋工程学院 电子邮箱:tianhao@dlmu.edu.cn |
2011.9 — 2016.8 明尼苏达大学双城分校机械专业,博士
2008.9 — 2011.1 大连理工大学机械电子工程专业,硕士
2003.9 — 2008.7 大连理工大学机械英强专业,学士
2017.3 — 至今 大连海事大学,机械工程系,副教授
2011.2 — 2011.8 英特尔半导体(大连),PE
[1] 2025.1-2028.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,流体直驱电磁转换波浪发电原理与控制参量研究
[2] 2020.10-2023.9 国家重点研发计划子课题,阀口独立控制电液阀与系统可编程数字控制器研制
[3] 2018.1-2020.12国家自然科学基金青年项目,自由活塞斯特林直驱式柱塞液压动力装置结构原理与控制参量分析(51705061),负责人
[4] 2018.1-2019.12 国家重点研发计划子课题,超高压水切割深海破拆装备研制
[1] Hao Tian, Boyang Zhou, Yongjun Gong,Study of a multicoil electromagnetic wave power takeoff system with pneumatic velocity up conversion mechanism targeting low-frequency input,IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2024, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10376397.
[2] Hao Tian, Sichen Li & Yongjun Gong,Physical Model-based Rapid Quantitative Diagnosis of Solenoid On–Off Valve Spool Stiction Faults,Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2024
[3] Hao Tian, Jianbo Liu, Yongjun Gong, Rapid Diagnosis of Proportional Valve Pilot Stage Stiction Fault via Dynamic Model-based Temporal Features,Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2024
[4] Hao Tian, Tiantian Yi, Yongjun Gong,Analysis of thermally activated sacrificial micro soft layers for reduced surface–ice interface strengthJournal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(10):1866.
[5] Hao Tian, Zezhong Gao, Yongjun Gong,Rapidly fabricated soft spring actuator via laminated laser-lithographed 2D polyurethane layers,Mechatronics, 2023, 92:102985.
[6] Hao Tian, Sunyi Wang, Minglei Fu, Dayong Ning, Yongjun Gong,Smart Cup for In-Situ 3D Measurement of Wall-Mounted Debris via 2D Sensing Grid in Production Pipelines,Micromachines 2023, 14: 489.
[7] Minglei Fu, Tian Hao, Yongjun Gong. Design and Evaluation of Electromagnetic Actuated Smart Cup for Adjustment of Travelling Speed of Pipeline Inspection Robots[C], 2023.
[8] 伊甜甜,田昊,弓永军,柔性相变除冰相变片驱动能力研究,第24届流体动力与机电控制工程国际学术会议,口头报告,山西太原,2023.08
[9] Hao Tian, Shengfu Zhao, Yongjun Gong, Study of Piston Trajectory Parameters on the Performance of a Kinetic Stirling Engine, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2022.
[10] Hao Tian, Sichen Li, Jianbo Liu, Jiaoyi Hou, Yongjun Gong,Numerical Study of a Weight-Adjustable Buoy for Efficient Wave Energy Conversion, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 ASME/BATH Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, 2021.
[11] Hao Tian, Boyang Zhou, Zengmeng Zhang, Yongjun Gong,Characterization of Solenoid On-Off Valve Faults A Faster Analytical Modeling Approach, Proceedings of the ASME 2021 ASME/BATH Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, 2021.
[12] 田昊等,可调速皮碗结构强度与通流特性数值仿真研究, 液压与气动, 2021.
[13] Hao Tian, Shuwei Li, et al., Simulation and Experimental Study of the Influence of Tooth Profile on the Pressure Pulsation of an External Gear Motor, FPM, 2020.
[14] 田昊,赵禹任,高速电磁阀开启特性的光学测量,浙江大学学报(工学版),2020.
[15] Hao Tian, J. Van de Ven, P. Y. Li, Valve Timing Control for a Digital Displacement Hydraulic Motor using an Angle-Domain Repetitive Controller, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019.
[16] Hao Tian, Zijian Zhou, Yongjun Gong, Modeling and Validation of an Electrohydraulic Power Take-Off System for a Portable Wave Energy Convertor with Compressed Energy Storage, Energies, 2019.
[17] Hao Tian, et al., Coil Inductance Model Based Solenoid on–off Valve Spool Displacement Sensing via Laser Calibration, Sensors, 2018.
[18] Hao Tian, Dynamic Pressure Simulation of an External Gear Pump with Relief Chamber using a Morphological Approach,IEEE ACCESS. 2018.
[19] 田昊, 液压油路气液两相传质的光学测量, 光学精密工程, 2018.
[20] 田昊,李树威,侯交义,宁大勇,张增猛, 外啮合齿轮马达齿廓测试方法研究,液压与气动, 2018.
[21] 田昊,赵禹任,侯交义,宁大勇,张增猛, 基于电流调制的电磁开关阀开关特性研究,液压与气动, 2018.
[22] Hao Tian, James Van de Ven, Modeling and Experimental Studies on the Absorption of Entrained Gas and the Influence on Fluid Compressibility, Journal of Fluids Engineering. 2017. DOI: 10.1115/1.4036711
[23] Hao Tian, J. Van de Ven, Experimental study of the influence of valve timing on hydraulic motor efficiency, ASEM FPMC 2015. DOI: 10.1115/FPMC2015-9532
[24] Hao Tian, J. Van de Ven, Geometric Optimization of a Hydraulic Motor Rotary Valve, ASEM FPMC 2013.
[25] Hao Tian, Jian Qin, Tao Deng, Rong Zhang, Chong Liu, Taihong Wang, Zewen Liu, Evaporation Phenomenon in Micro Polymerase Chain Reaction (μPCR) System and a Possible Electrowetting Solution, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2012.
(1) 机电系统PLC控制技术,本科生
(2) 救捞专业英语,本科生
(3) 动力系统与控制,本科生
(4) 机械学习,本科生
(5) 救捞海工计算与分析,研究生
(6) 机械专业英语,研究生
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[2] 特种流控专委会委员、流控青工委委员
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