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Arctic Route and Future Trends of Arctic Development

2019-10-23  点击:[]

报告题目:Arctic Route and Future Trends of Arctic Development

报告人:Dr. Ove T. Gudmestad 挪威技术科学院院士,挪威斯塔万格大学教授




Gudmestad 教授,挪威技术科学院院士,挪威斯塔万格大学教授,石油行业高级执行官、土木工程专业教育家、挪威社会物理学家,擅长于海底管道工程、海洋技术、海洋作业、极地海洋工程和海上作业风险分析等方面的研究,拥有丰富的科研经历和海洋工程实践经验。1971年获挪威卑尔根大学应用数学和物理学学士学位,1973年获挪威特罗姆瑟大学应用数学硕士学位,1985年获挪威卑尔根大学应用数学博士学位,2008年被授予俄罗斯莫曼斯克国立技术大学荣誉博士,2009年被授予俄罗斯莫斯科古布金俄罗斯国立石油和天然气大学荣誉博士,33年来长期担任挪威国家石油公司海洋和极地技术部门的顾问及挪威国家石油海德罗公司极地技术部门的高级顾问,负责现场海洋工程现场开发工程和研究工作。1994年至今一直在挪威斯塔万格大学任海洋技术专业教授,期间先后到挪威科技大学、挪威特罗姆瑟大学等世界知名高校担任客座教授,发表论著13本,各类论文近400篇,被邀请做重点学术演讲116次,取得了挪威及美国等国家专利44项,指导硕士生200余位,博士生30余位。

Dr. Ove T. Gudmestad has a PhD in wave force analysis and experience from engineering, field development studies, offshore development projects and research in Statoil from 1975 to 2008. When he left Statoil, he was an advisor of Marine and Arctic Technology. He was from 1994 to 2008 adjunct professor of Marine Technology at the University of Stavanger, teaching courses on Marine Technology and Operations. Since September 2008 he was promoted to full professor of Marine Technology at the University and is professor emeritus from August 2017.

Gudmestad has published papers on the actions from waves and earthquakes, on the risk involved in marine operations and on Arctic technology. He has several patents on offshore development engineering. He has participated in several standardization committees and was Norway’s representative to the development of ISO 19906, Arctic Offshore Structures.

From 2005 Gudmestad has also been working with several universities as adjunct professor: The Norwegian University of Technology and Science in Trondheim, University of Tromsø, (The Arctic University of Norway), and Western Norway university College. He has been awarded honorary doctoral degrees from the Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas in Moscow in 2002 and from Murmansk State Technical University in 2008. Present research interests are related to marine renewable energy, offshore marine operations, arctic offshore engineering and risk analysis of marine operations.

上一条:美国打捞协会主席Jim Elliott学术报告 下一条:Materials and Process Innovation of Icephobic Coatings
